Thursday, April 23, 2009

Thursday Thirteen #2

THE FORGOTTEN RULES OF DRIVING: I guess once you get a license you don't need these rules anymore.

1. Using turn signals: i guees these are lights to be used on special ocassions
2. Changing lanes in an intersection: i suppose that the magic"i want to cause an accident" button switches on for the impatient.
3. Blocking turning lanes: I guess common courtesy is a thing of the past. it's all about that extra inch.
4. Proper parking: i really thought those lines where there to park in between.
5. Spacing between cars: today it's get as close to the car in front of you, so if you get hit from behind you ram that car as hard as possible.
6. The 2 second rule: more like take 2 seconds to get from light to light, so i can wait.
7. Illegal lane change: first. to close to an intersection, why speed up to be one car closer at the rred light. second. not using turn signals. third. you are suppose to travel atleast 100ft. in a lane when you change into it before making another move.
8. Cell phone: this is not a rule, but shoud be completely hands free and no texting. you are suppose to be watching the road and ready to react. not having to put down your dang phone.
9. Seat belts: you should always be aware of everyone in your car, so check the kid hangin out the back window waving to everyone.
10. Pets in your lap: I am sure that you can turn the wheel real easy with that pet there.
11. Stoping behind the line: you are not getting anywhere any faster.
12. Yielding to pedestrian: yes they have the right away , but also to step out without looking like so many people at wal-mart do doesn't make you right and maybe you should be bumped over for thinking you are harder then a vehicle.
13. Getting dressed/putting on make-up: I thought that is why we have bedrooms and bathrooms.
Bonus: Speeding will not get you anywhere that much faster, and it puts everyine else in danger with you acting like it's nascar. Maybe you should leave a few minutes earlier.


  1. #4 - one of my biggest pet peeves. I don't mind if they take up 2 spaces out in the middle of nowhere so no one will park next to them and scratch their luxury car, but I hate it when they do it in the busy sections of the lot close to the building.

    Another one of my pet peeves in general - the Yankees ;0)

  2. Everyone of these are so very true. I swear drivers are becoming ruder and ruder by the minute. It's all about them and no one else. Scary out there for sure. Great list.

    Have a terrific day. :)

    Thursday Thirteen
